You’ve all blown my mind

You’ve blown my mind. Over 200 of you replied to my last blog, “No More Pretty,” or emailed me personally with love.
Wow, has this been a big a lesson for me.
First of all, I wrote that newsletter (about my new bald life) to give you permission to let go of any hidden need to come across to the world a certain way.
I wanted you to share in my liberation by finding one of your own hidden needs to release.
So I asked you to post your personal liberation, or revelation, whatever that may be.
You know what you all told me instead? That I’m pretty no matter what. Holy heck that was sweet.
Even my hairdresser texted me that I rocked the fake Mohawk in my photo (and good god she sure hasn’t seen me for awhile!).
And it overwhelmed me. All of it.
Because of course it gave rise to another thought: I’m not a loner or a solo flyer anymore. I can drop that belief now.
So there I was thinking about this as I was zipping up the freeway to Long Beach for my next cancer treatment. My mother was driving and as usual we were getting lost and chatting about work, life, kids, and yeah, chemo.
The whole time, my phone was beeping and buzzing with your comments pouring in.
And I’m wondering: “All these people really care. Why?!”
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