regain your magic, heal, or go big.

Once you purchase a session, we will email you to book the date.
Summer can usually get you in within 2-3 weeks.
Working together privately is one of the most powerful things we can do.
Some of you have just found me, and some of you have followed my work for decades. Maybe it’s time to take one step closer.
Whether you want a powerful session to unleash your abundance, clear up confusion, or point you in a new direction, I’m here for you.
Choose from a single, one-time-only introductory session or discover the true abundance that working with me monthly brings.
<< Why choose me? >>

My year-round Diamond Coaching clients build a library of private, personalized Flowdreams to use year after year

Do in 12-months what it could take years of traditional therapy to accomplish. We get right into things. Worth its weight in gold.

You’ll gain insights into people and workplaces with information few other people have access to

You’ve reached a point in your life where you feel like there’s huge success ahead of you, but you feel unsure how to reach it. If you could only get past your own limited thinking, you could do wonders.
You feel like no matter how many webinars you attend, books your read, or courses or coaching you taken or had, you still don’t see the effects of it all. Why is nothing working?! You’re ready for clear, precise, actionable direction and support from a trusted source that will lead you somewhere real.
You’ve had enough of “feast or famine finances,” financial insecurity, and worrying about your future. You know other people have solved this. What’s the trick?
You accomplished a lot. But, “burned out” doesn’t even begin to describe what you’re feeling. If climbing to this point was hard, you can’t imagine what the next level will take. (Hint: I’m here to lead you down a better path.)
You’ve been through some tough stuff. Maybe you recently changed jobs, left a partnership, moved far away, or found yourself in an empty nest. Now you’re ready to consciously create a life and thoughtfully, consciously, build a life of ease, flow, and abundance in all areas.
You know that your outer life only grows as big as your inner self. To GO BIG, you need to GROW BIG. You’re ready for a practice that you can do every day that truly works and you have your eye on an area of your life you that you want to massively uplevel.
You’re a little bit woo-woo and you want to start really hearing and integrating what you “know” into what you do. You’re ready to trust yourself. You’re ready to hear more guidance.
You feel like it’s time to finally forgive yourself, release your past, and heal your life. Let the healing be done!

- Read into you and your Flow, pointing out patterns and blocks as well as positive, open pathways
- Look into people or situations for you, asking questions and receiving answers from them directly/empathically
- Guiding high-achievers to create balance so they can do more, let go of more, and grow — without fear of burnout.
- Generate big energy around something you really need (like love, peace, money, health, a win or positive outcome,etc.)
- Create inner power to help you take on something difficult, such as leaving something or shifting directions
- Help you discover your next steps and your next most perfect direction
- See you increase your income, fall in love, buy your dream home — in other words, seeing real results in real life by creating the plan on paper and in energy. Think visible, actionable, outwardly manifested thoughts.
- Help you to stop thinking in an “either/or” mentality and ridding you of all lack-thinking so your entire life changes.
- Show you how to engage your fear or anxiety so it no longer paralyzes you or forces decisions from you. (Learn how to tame your fear so it becomes your ally and friend.)
- Move you through deep inner healing work, so you’re forever freed from the old programming (and heartaches) that limited you.
- Connect you to your Flow, so you can see for yourself how it feels to be in constant alignment as you experience continuous direction and feedback from the Universe.
- Help you develop a wellspring of deep inner power that fuels even bigger dreams.
- Show you where your current limited thinking or "ceilings" are that stunt your success and guiding you to move through these with ease and strength..
- Create health around you and in you, including have a deep talk with your body to discover what it wants, how it feels about you, and what it needs
- Help you develop a wellspring of deep inner power that fuels even bigger dreams.
- Show you where your current limited thinking or "ceilings" are that stunt your success and guiding you to move through these with ease and strength..
- Unpack and clarify situations by getting real answers from real people, empathically

- Tell you anything upsetting or negative. Everything I offer contains light and endless possibility.
- "Make" things happen to you or to others
- Predict future events or do medical intuitive readings
- Make promises. As "manifestors," the future is constantly in your hands and in the making! This is the most beautiful part of our work—you can change course, find an easier path, or move in any positive direction you want.
- Divulge information or tell you things that someone truly wants to keep to themselves. All my conversations are deeply respectful of privacy.

The session is 50-minutes and occurs over Zoom.
Yes! It’s the best part. Every session includes a custom Flowdream we do together that’s extremely specific to your situation. Alternately, sometimes people prefer to spend the whole time having intuitive conversations with people they know (current or potential parters, bosses, family members, etc.). It’s up to you what we do.
Absolutely. Even better, I record the audio and send it to you for downloading after we finish.
I work with people all over the world:
- Japan
- Singapore
- Cambodia
- The UAE
- Dubai
- Australia and New Zealand
- All of Western Europe
- India
- South Africa
- The USA and Canada
If nothing on my schedule is a good time for you, we’ll come up with a mutually good timeslot. I’m located in California, united States, the Pacific Time Zone.
I’m testing the idea of Introductory sessions since I know many people are curious about what I do and how it works. This is your opportunity to see if we’re a fit before committing to deeper or longer work together.
My preferred way of working with people is to create long-lasting relationships. (Minimum 1 year together, but some people have been with me for 8, 9, even 10 years!)
The biggest advances and biggest year-over-year gains are with my “Diamond” clients. We work together monthly to create astonishing life shifts, abundance, and advancement.
I work best whenI don’t see you and know little about you. Yes, really! I may or may not pop onto Zoom video to wave and say hello during the session, but when I go into Flow with you, my eyes are closed for the hour. So, don’t worry about your hair or makeup! I sure won’t.
Of course. Schedule a time using my scheduler, and we’ll talk.
And, I also know your #1 question might be about the cost. I always have these conversations by phone so I can see if I could help you before we go deep into cost. When I coach, I become intensely invested in your success. I must know that our work together could yield the results you’re looking for from your investment.
I don’t hide behind a wall of staff. Email me, and I’ll email you back. Or, you can use the chatbox on the bottom of this page to start a ticket that I or my customer care agent will reply to.