My dear Summer, I have been listening to your tapes, reading your books and following you and your mother’s advice for the past few years now. Even when things were not going so well for me, I never gave up my Flowdreaming path. I am happy to tell you my dreams came true on August 24th, 2010. I won $1,452,130.64 at our local casino. Summer I now have it all thanks to your Flowdreaming and my strong believing things will come. I have mentioned to many friends and my own daughters just how you have changed my way of thinking. I share your books and mp3s. Now I need to replace them!! Just hearing your voice everyday is power to me. There is so much more I could go on an on about, I just felt you should know what Flowdreaming has done for me. Now I can afford to someday see you live. – LYNN HUNTER

“I Won a $1,452,130 Jackpot by Flowdreaming”

“Full Scholarship to College Lands in My Lap After 20 Years!”
I decided to go back to college after leaving school to work and [starting] a family 20 years ago. I used Flowdreaming throughout the application process and stayed focused on creating the emotions I wanted to attract. Not only did the university easily readmit me as a student, I was also awarded a full scholarship totaling around $30,000 for the year. – JESSICA BALLENGER

“Found the Man of My Dreams and a $200k Job through Flowdreaming”
I’ve been practicing Flowdreaming for almost 7 years and was your Diamond coaching student. When we began, the first thing I manifested was a great apartment in New York, by Central Park. Then I brought in a fantastic, sexy, “James Bond”-style husband. We got married, and I have a great relationship and another big house facing the beach.

“My Debt Vanished”
My husband and I have student loan debt that we have been trying to reduce, get rid of, wish away for years! After using Flowdreaming to approach this problem for just three months, I just found out that $123,000 will be forgiven once our term finishes in 13 years. This comes after a windfall earlier of an anonymous gift of $200,000 from a trust fund that helped us buy a house in a down economy, pay off debt and invest money for the future and our kids. – MARCELLE K.

“My dream job in just 8 months”
It took 8 months of focus, but it happened! I manifested the perfect dream job. I’ve been offered a great position with a highly admired company, and the people I’ll be working with are great. I’m being paid 50% more than my last job. I work from home, and only travel 20% of the time, which is incredibly light for the industry I work in. Best of all: it’s a better, higher position. Thank you Flow. Thank you Summer and all the coaches. And thank you to all my fellow M.E. Schoolers. Could not have done it without you all. – YOGESH NAIK

“Got engaged, received 150k in grants, and received two tenure track positions at the same university”

“Starred in a TV Commerical and Huge Boost for My Acting Career”
I would like to share my success story. After coming back from my vacation, I had three checks from a Lexus commercial I was in (I had no idea about) totaling 9k! There is no lack here!

“I made 13k in 8 days in my business!”
Within 60 days of practicing Flowdreaming and ME School, I brought in six times more revenue into my business and had a five-figure month. This continues. I’ve made $13,000 in cash in just 8 days this month. These are huge changes in how much money and abundance I was attracting previously. Thank you! – WENDY COLLIER