So, what’s Flowdreaming?
Good question. It’s part daydreaming, part emotion, and part Flow state.
Add the three together, and you have a kind of magic elixir that does some pretty awesome things.
Flowdreaming programs your future. It releases you from trauma, and it helps you heal. It manifests your life. It does a lot.
OK, I’m the first to admit that when I explain things, I over-explain. I’m like: “Here is the whole tamale. The whole picnic. I don’t care if you’re already full. OMG why aren’t you reading it ALL!!!?”
And you’re saying, “‘Cause I’m in line at CVS.”
I give more detail than you’ll ever need. So, ahem, right now, I’m giving you the ULTRA SIMPLE three-pointer explanation.
Then I go into the slighter longer explanation.
And for all you who love going down rabbit holes, I have the full teaching—all of it—for free as well.
- Being in the Flow means that your life is flowing in a general direction that is for your highest good and happiness.
- When you fight against the current of your Flow, it’s just like swimming upstream—you encounter obstacles and frustration in your life. Things stop going your way.
- By daydreaming yourself into the Flow, or “Flowdreaming,” you can guide yourself back into the natural, positive energy and Flow of your life.
- Once in the Flow, you can manifest whatever you want to have—such as all the happiness and success you desire. It works!

Watch my “Ignite Your Manifesting” tutorial and learn the basics of Flowdreaming in just a few short lessons.

Download the app to your mobile device. Once you open it, you’ll see a free complete tutorial, including Flowdreams to practice with.

Download a free 5-piece kit to your desktop containing guided Flowdreams and PDFs that will lead you through your first Flowdreaming experience.
Flowdreaming has three unique components.
The technique of Flowdreaming has three components, which I call the “three pillars” that when practiced together create a very potent technique. These pillars are:
1. Awareness of Flow energy
2. Strong, directed emotion
3. Guided daydreaming
Flowdreaming is a process that lets you reshape your world—literally. It’s unique, and its purpose is to help you access the creative, energetic “underside” of life, so you can sculpt and direct your future.
It’s a big promise, but once you learn this technique, it will feel so simple and natural that you’ll wonder how you never knew about it before.
Flow is like a net or ocean of energy that runs over, under, around, and through everything in our Universe. It’s an energy of information, or a giant collection of data about everything that is, was, or potentially may be. And this net of energy or “information” has its own kind of internal, intrinsic awareness.
Imagine if every single thing in our universe had an inner understanding of what it was, or an awareness of its internal structure, or a consciousness of itself, on some very deep level. And all this consciousness put together—all this collected information or awareness— is what everything is actually made of. The physical things in life (apples, TVs, thoughts, wind) are just expressions of this awareness that take a physical form.
Now keep reading to discover how to use these three pillars, and how they fit together.
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Flowdreaming requires you to be emotionally active and very present. You are not asked to clear your mind, or come to a quiet place inside yourself, as you would with meditation.
Unlike with Affirmations, Flowdreaming leads you into a powerful state of mind and universal connection. In a sense, you place affirmations into your Flow. You do more than just SAY them, however-you must FEEL them.
You also can’t “mentally check out” during your Flowdreaming like you might if you’re being hypnotized. Flowdreaming is not about programming your subconscious-it’s about programming your own quantum energy field with carefully chosen desires.
Flowdreaming is a little like combining all three, but it’s also something more!
I like to play them when I’m feeling wakeful and somewhat energetic so that I have enough emotional energy to send out into the Flow around me. I also play them during times when my mind would normally daydream.
For many people, this means sitting in a chair (not lying down, since you could be temped to fall asleep!) during any quiet, private time during the day. Many people also successfully play the mp3s while on the subway or train, while taking a shower or bath, while doing any repetitive chore, or while walking or bicycling or at the gym-these are times when you’re daydreaming or thinking deeply anyway. Take advantage of your mind’s natural “wandering times.”
I like to play them when I’m feeling wakeful and somewhat energetic so that I have enough emotional energy to send out into the Flow around me. I also play them during times when my mind would normally daydream.
For many people, this means sitting in a chair (not lying down, since you could be temped to fall asleep!) during any quiet, private time during the day. Many people also successfully play the mp3s while on the subway or train, while taking a shower or bath, while doing any repetitive chore, or while walking or bicycling or at the gym-these are times when you’re daydreaming or thinking deeply anyway. Take advantage of your mind’s natural “wandering times.”
As many as you can handle. People often start with two or three representing several different areas in their lives. You might choose several to work with, playing one in the morning and one at night, for days or weeks until you start to feel bored. That’s a clue that the energies are busily at work and you can move on to other areas.
A lot of you end up with libraries of 5, 10, 15 or more Flowdreams that you work with a few at a time, depending on what’s going on in your life.
For example, you might work with “Wealth and Abundance” and “Instant Self-Healing” for a few weeks if you’re feeling monetarily squeezed and under the weather. Then you might swap to “Overcome Procrastination and Get Things Done” plus “My Prayers Have Been Answered” if you have an unpleasant project to tackle, and in your personal life you’re feeling the need for some extra-assistance from Spirit. Mix them up. I know some people who simply load all their Flowdreams into a playlist and then choose “shuffle,” allowing their Flow and Greater Self to choose what they work on each day.
Flowdreaming is very flexible. You use whatever Flowdreams you need until you reach the level of improvement you desire. Every time you enter the Flow state and put good emotion into an area, that area is impacted by the new directives you’ve felt. The key is to do it so much that the area completely comes around to your new way of feeling it.
If this feels too “loose” to you, some of you will enjoy starting with a program instead, such as the Prosperity Challenge or Flowdreaming Weight-Loss Support System. These have structured daily exercises and are often very powerful.
A new set that many people also like is Daily Flow, which you play morning and night to short-term manifest your day ahead and also for instant alignment.
You’ll find that Flowdreaming takes energy to do–particularly emotional energy. Most people worry they do it too little–not too much. Just be sure you follow up on your energy work with physical actions toward your goal. It’s a balance.
As for how much time to spend, if you’re working with the mp3s, try to use one mp3 once a day, at the very least. That’s a 10-20 minute commitment. If you get bored of the same one each day, then alternate between several so each day you do a different one. Don’t let yourself get bored. You can also do “flash flowdreams” in just a few minutes by closing your eyes and bringing up the same feelings evoked in the mp3 whenever you have a spare moment. I do these “flash flowdreams” all the time. They’re powerful emotional bursts that continually reinforce your longer, deeper work.
Yes, but the manifesting effectiveness won’t be as potent. Many people love to play the mp3s all the time, at home and work, because even if they don’t spend the time to actually Flowdream, they still love to let the good words seep into their minds. However, unless you feel your Flow and emotionally interact with it, you aren’t technically Flowdreaming. If you fall asleep to them or play them in the background, you’re using them more like delicious affirmations or subconscious programming (also good!).
If you love the idea of playing them at night, you might consider some of the specially designed Flowdream Meditations that are softer sounding and conducive to sleep or meditation. Coupled with active Flowdreaming, you have a really potent combination.
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