What to do when you face fear or frustration

I can’t even begin to tell you how much of my life in the last decade has centered around breaking down fears. One after another, chop-chop-chop. Dead trees falling.

I’ve been stumbling through the downed logs (and even getting lost), but somehow, I’ve still been getting somewhere”¦and not just anywhere”¦but to someplace wild and fantastic and fulfilling. Each month breaks new ground for me, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and even financially.

It never feels right to keep my secrets for success to myself. I want to shout them to everybody.

For instance, this last week, I’ve realized that Flow has purposely kept me on this hamster wheel of “fear breaking.” After all, whenever I break past one of my own blocks, I’m able to help someone else break past theirs. “Oh,” I said, no longer upset. “I get it.”

Fear, I’ve learned, has so many disguises. Just when I think I’ve pinned it down, it pops up in another costume. It’s like playing Whack-a-Mole.

For example, I might be helping a Flowdreaming student who’s been hemming and hawing. They’re suffering from indecision. We’re four months into our mentoring, and nothing has happened.

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“I love me, I love me not.” Do you have self-love? Take a quiz.

Do you truly love yourself? Let’s find out. Here’s a quick test to check your levels of self-love. Keep track of your “yes’s.”
  1. I treat myself to little splurges now and then. Not splurges that get me in debt (like paying for something on my credit card that I don’t really need and won’t be able to pay off in a month) or harm my body (like having a cigarette), but I have splurges that make me feel good and and healthy ( such as a pedicure, some Flowdreaming, taking a walk in the middle of my workday, taking a nap, etc.)
  2. I take time for myself consistently at least once a week, either as my own quiet time or to enjoy something I love to do.
  3. I take care of my body and appearance with nice clothes, a good haircut, and anything that makes me feel more powerful and confident.
  4. I’m able to stop myself from unhealthy behaviors that will hurt me in the long run (overeating, smoking, drinking to excess, calling my bad ex, etc.)
  5. When I do take time for myself, or spend a little money on myself, I don’t feel any twinges of guilt or “I shouldn’t have.”
  6. I say no sometimes, and I don’t feel guilty.
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The ugly black jacket I wore for my boss

Here’s a photo of the ugly black jacket I wore for my boss. When I knew I had to have a meeting with her, I’d wipe off my lipstick in the bathroom, shrug into this shapeless polyester mess, and if I didn’t have enough cat hairs and other fuzzy crud already stuck to its lapels, I’d rumple myself up a little more to look as bad as I possibly could.

Notice how loose this jacket is, and how the sleeves are way too long so I had to cuff them in bunchy rolls. Notice, too, the kids’ snot on the arm. That has been there for years. Wiping it off would’ve defeated the purpose.

I’d be throwing on the jacket, of course, just a few hours after I’d cried at my own bathroom sink before leaving for work, so my face already had a miserable blotchy look going for it. I was ready.

This was a really sucky time in my life.

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“No, I refuse to change you. And damn! … That makes me so happy!”


What is it that makes us think we can change people? How many times have you found yourself wishing that your romantic partner would do something you wanted, or not do something, or somehow meet your needs by changing somehow? How often have you wished the same about a parent, or sibling, or child? “If they’d just do this, or give me that, or stop doing this…”

A cardinal rule of Flowdreaming is that you are a magnificently powerful being…but your power extends only to YOU and YOUR OWN LIFE. Anyone else…well they’re also incredibly powerful…in their own life.

As long as you stick with manifesting for yourself, you’re going to prosper. Once you start trying to change someone else, you’re going to hit walls. Why?

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Flowdreamer wins $1.5 million: Lynn’s story

I’m amazed at the email in my inbox. Can a Flowdreamer have really just won $1,425,000?

Yes. Lynn Hunter’s email subject line says it all: “Flowdreaming changed my life.” She writes:

My dear Summer, I have been listening to your tapes, reading your books and following you and your mother’s advice for the past few years now. Even when things were not going so well for me, I never gave up my flowdreaming path. I am happy to tell you my dreams came true on August 24th, 2010. I won $1,452,130.64 at our local casino. I do have a vision board with one million dollars on it, a new car, and pictures of a new kitchen. Summer I now have it all thanks to your flowdreaming and my strong believing things will come. I have mentioned to many friends and my own daughters just how you have changed my way of thinking. I share my books and tapes. Now I need to replace them!! Just hearing your voice every day is power to me. There is so much more I could go on and on about, I just felt you should know  what flowdreaming has done for me. Now I can afford to someday see you live. – Lynn Hunter

I’ve been asking people to let me know what Flowdreaming has helped them with in their lives. Lynn’s email flowed in with the dozens of others I’ve been receiving. It’s one thing to read my books or listen to me rambling on during my radio show each week about the broad, supportive, almost “magical” power of Flow energy in all of our lives. It’s quite another thing to read about other people’s extraordinary successes.

I’ve always been reluctant to promise anyone that the Flow can MAKE them lucky. Just as I would never promise anyone a miracle. How could I? It’s THEIR Flow. THEY are the creators in their lives, not me!! But have I seen miracles happen? Have I helped “unplug” things and get energy moving for people? Oh, yes!


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5 tips for using Flow to increase the intimacy in your relationships

Here are a few Flow-inspired tips to infuse all your relationships with more love and less conflict. While we can’t change other people, per se, we CAN change the energy that surrounds our relationship and our interactions within them. And of course, that starts within ourselves. So, these five tips will help you cultivate good, loving, open energy within yourself. As they say…change begins within.

1. Break out the honesty.
Very often the source of our frustrations is our fear that our loved one will not accept how we feel or what we need in a situation. Honesty needs to be purposefully developed and cultured. It often doesn’t just happen by itself, especially if we grew up in homes where honesty wasn’t the norm. When we expect that what we need and feel won’t be honored, we either clam up or stuff down our needs. If the idea of being honest and open sends shivers of fear up your spine, then you know you REALLY need this tip: Create a list of relationship issues with various loved ones that you want be more open about, and work your way up by starting with the easiest first. In your Flow, pre-act scenarios where you are open and honest, and feel the relief and acceptance when you do so. This opens the energies to allowing honesty into your relationships in a safe, comfortable way.

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Your Flowdreaming program: simplified

This Article is part of Flowdreaming.com’s free Online Learning Library.

People often want to know how to get started Flowdreaming. So, I’ve put together the simple program that follows.

The technique of Flowdreaming has three components:

1. Awareness of Flow energy

2. Strong, directed emotion

3. Guided daydreaming

First, remember that your mind or consciousness is already adrift in this Flow. After all, it’s made of this energy. Your brain creates, stores, and synthesizes data, but it does so more like a quantum computer would-using quantum Flow energy instead of regular electricity. So your mind is already in the Flow, at all times. But you need to convince yourself of it, so this where guided daydreaming comes in. When you daydream, your mind seems to “detach itself” from your exterior surroundings. It “goes” somewhere, and you often don’t even realize it. Well, instead of “drifting off” unaware into a fantasy, in Flowdreaming, you pay attention to where you’re going. You still drift-but you watch where you’re drifting, similar to having a lucid dream.

This means you close your eyes, and let your mind wander. Daydream. Bring up an image that makes you think about the concept of Flow. Maybe you see a beautiful, winding river of light with an internal “aliveness” so it knows exactly where it’s going. Or, you see a starry sky with a glittering path that weaves through space, surrounded by strings of light energy moving in and out of complex and beautiful patterns all around you. Or maybe you see an ocean of light, with a current that tugs and pulls you gently toward a perfect destination.

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What is Flow energy?: A brief explanation

This Article is part of Flowdreaming.com’s free Online Learning Library.

Flowdreaming is a technique that lets you reshape your world-literally. It’s not meditation, or hypnosis, or based on positive affirmations or any other kind of program you may already know. It’s unique, and its purpose is to help you access the creative, energetic “underside” of life, so you can sculpt and direct your future.

It’s a big promise, but once you learn this technique, it will feel so simple and natural that you’ll wonder how you never knew about it before.

What Is Flow?

Flow is like a net or ocean of energy that runs over, under, around, and through everything in our Universe. It’s an energy of information, or a giant collection of data about everything that is, was, or potentially may be. And this net of energy or “information” has its own kind of internal, intrinsic awareness.

Imagine if every single thing in our universe had an inner understanding of what it was, or an awareness of its internal structure, or a consciousness of itself, on some very deep level. And all this consciousness put together-all this collected information or awareness- is what everything is actually made of. The physical things in life (apples, TVs, thoughts, wind) are just expressions of this awareness that take a physical form.

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Rejection Is cold company

A good friend of mine had to shake me out of my gloom yesterday. “Rejection is a good thing,” he told me. “It means you’re still putting yourself out there. You’re still in the game. You stop being rejected, then you’re in the bleachers, not on the bench.”

You can guess what kind of “go leap off a cliff” look I gave him. When you’re blue, it’s hard to hear any kind of pick-me-up talk, even from people who care about you.

You see, I’ve been feeling passed over a lot lately, like the dish at the picnic that no one tries. The kid not picked for the team, while all her buddies pick each other. The girl waiting to be asked to the dance, while all her best guy friends ask someone else. Rejection is an experience that comes early and the sting stays, no matter how old we get. Psychology Today has a good article that explains why it’s necessary that we carry around such deep emotional responses to rejection.

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