Going big: The 2nd sign that you could be at a tipping point to a major breakthrough
In my last post, I introduced the idea that there are certain signs that happen when people are on the verge of a major breakthrough.
This is when someone suddenly zooms into success in their career, or makes dramatically positive moves in their life, or even reaches an ah-ha moment that transforms how they live and feel forever after.
We all want to reach these moments.
In all the work I do teaching and mentoring people about how to Flow, I see people bloom into these game-changing moments pretty regularly. I call them “tipping points.” I can spot when my students are there.
Here’s the second clue I often see when they’re reaching one:
2. You consciously and completely decide to get uncomfortable – often REALLY uncomfortable – in certain areas of your life.
You either decide that facing fear is actually a kind of fun activity (like the coexistent dread, joy, and fierce challenge of running a marathon), or, even if you still hate facing fear, you make a commitment that when Flow is kind enough to reveal a fear, you’re strong enough to chase it down and root it out. Without exception.
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