What are you worth?

I feel like an egg that’s been cracked open, and all my gooey insides are running out. It has been quite a day…a week. To feel better, I did two things. First, I spent an hour on my radio show ruminating about how we create value – how we value ourselves, how money or talents are valued – and how we can confuse those two things so easily. And then I went shopping. (Yes, I really did. And I found a really great blouse.)

But I promised listeners of yesterday’s Flowdreaming show that we would continue this conversation about worth-especially self-worth. My own self-worth has been rocked pretty hard lately. And you know how things seem to happen at once?

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The Prosperity Challenge

Sometimes people ask me what the difference is between my CD, Flowdreaming for Lots of Money, a Great Job, and a Luxury Lifestyle, and my Flowdreaming Prosperity Challenge. Here is what I posted on the Powerful Intentions Flowdreaming Forum: When I made the CD “Flowdreaming for Lots of Money, a Great Job, and a Luxury…

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A new model of consciousness

Let’s do a thought experiment. Take a look at your hand. You know that it’s made up of tissues, blood, and bones. You may further realize that these things are each made of tiny cells, which are in turn made of minute proteins which are constructed from DNA and RNA . . . which are themselves made from molecules . . . which come from atoms . . . which come from . . . what?

Squint now . . . what comes next? Pretend that you’re seeing your hand down at its most basic level. It’s not solid at all, is it. See how there’s so much space between the atoms? What’s in that space? Nothing, you say? Emptiness? Empty space? Is that really what you’re made of?

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What is Flowdreaming?: An introduction

Wondering how to get into flow state? Flowdreaming is a powerful, easy, and effective way to manifest anything you want—whether that’s lots of money, positive energy, relief from anxiety, the perfect romantic relationship, a new job or career, more time in your life for the things you love . . . or anything else

  1. Being in the Flow means that your life is flowing in a general direction that is for your highest good and happiness.
  2. When you fight against the current of your Flow, it’s just like swimming upstream—you encounter obstacles and frustration in your life. Things stop going your way.
  3. By daydreaming yourself into the Flow, or “Flowdreaming,” you can guide yourself back into the natural, positive energy and Flow of your life.
  4. Once in the Flow, you can manifest whatever you want to have—such as all the happiness and success you desire. It works!
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Conductivity and resistance

This Article is part of Flowdreaming.com’s free Online Learning Library.

If you’re looking for an explanation for why some things in your life seem so frustratingly difficult to manifest, then read on. It’s a long article, but contains valuable information. It begins with a story about something that happened to me these last few weeks.

I normally talk about the Flow using a metaphor of water. Our Flow moves like a current of ease and bounty, never ceasing, always finding the path of least resistance, like water flowing to the sea. When we’re in sync with this essence of life, we find that the world opens to us and we can manifest our desires with abandon.  When we’re at odds with this medium for manifesting, we’re going against this current and finding ourselves constantly struggling upstream facing discouragement, debt, and despair.

Well a few weeks ago I happened on a new way of looking at it: I’m going to borrow two terms from science and rework them a little:  conduction and resistance. A copper wire conducts energy beautifully, and lets it move right where it needs to go. A rubber wire, on the other hand, is a terrible conductor for electricity. It’s a point of resistance. We have both in our lives. Imagine that we’re on a racetrack made of copper, but the bumper walls are made of rubber. We can bump against the resistance as much as we want, or we can get back on the copper track. Here is what happened to me recently that made this all so clear to me.

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