Punching Through the Noise

Lately, I keep feeling like, “I just don’t have anything to say.”

Which is not true. I have a lot to say. (Just ask my husband.)

There was a time when every week I’d be sending you a podcast episode and a thoughtful email about energy, Flow, life, inner power…all the things we love to explore as we powerfully grow and curate our lives.

But still, when I sit down to record a podcast or type an email to you, sometimes I feel as stubborn as a dog refusing to enter the vet doorway.

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Rewilding Your Attention

Each morning, I scroll through the emails that have collected overnight like the carcasses of moths at dawn.

Today, one headline caught my attention: “Rewilding Your Attention”

I sipped my coffee and skimmed the article, getting more glued to it by the second.

That feeling of little hairs prickling up, of a surge of “oh my god yes” energy inside your chest? I was feeling it.

For the last few years, I’ve written constantly about the idea of “adding more ingredients to your pantry.” 

When you feel stuck, directionless, and unexcited about tomorrow—I can guarantee that you have an empty pantry. Meaning, your heart feels narrow because the variety of new inputs in your life has slowed to a trickle. Metaphorically, you won’t bake any exciting cakes until you start filling your life up with zesty, exotic ingredients.

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The Lonely Forest Couches

I was lying on the massage table today.

If you’ve ever had a massage, you know how you end up kind of….drifting?

One thought to the next, your mind swirls in fleeting wisps like birds landing and taking flight again in a single flush.

Today, one bird landed and stuck in my mind. I was thinking how a few years back, I was at a fancy mastermind for Very Successful Business Owners and Coaches.

I felt lucky to have been invited and surrounded by other top people in my field. I was buzzing. Finally the people in my own field would recognize me as one of their own!

Each of us in the room of around 50 people were asked to introduce ourselves, share our business, and indicate our business value or sales volume for the year. (Ah, the pecking order begins!)

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Witches on the Beach Tonight

It’s 1985. I’m on a beach, the cool salt-filled waves lustily lapping the shoreline.

The beach sand is flecked with gold, iridescent in the sunlight. Sometimes during the year, the beach is covered in black sand after the waves rush up carrying heavy loads of rich magnetite washed down from the Sierra Nevada mountains in California.

But today, the sand is its normal creamy gold and the waves are brilliant teal, edged with white.

Around me in a circle are five or six women sitting in boho dresses or jeans, their crazy white and gray-flecked “mom hair” licked by the breeze. To me, they are very old. I’m only 14. In reality, they’re in their 40s or 50s. 

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Hair Scare

I plop into the salon chair.

The stylist hovers behind me, explaining what’s going to happen. “Your hair might smoke a bit,” she says. “I don’t want you being alarmed.”

“Like, smoke smoke?” I say.

“Yeah, it’s just the keratin fusing in.”

“And there’s no formaldehyde, right?” I ask.

“Oh there’s formaldehyde. It’s not on your head but it’s created in the off-gassing.” Then she points to a literal gas mask she’ll be wearing.

We sit for a few seconds in uncomfortable silence while I weigh the value of my life against the prospects of divinely frizz-less, straight-ish hair that I will be proud to whip around for approximately three to six months.

“Ok, let’s do it,” I say.

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The Roughest Coaching Session of My Life

I just had the roughest coaching session of my life.

It was so rough, I almost can’t write about it.

I chose to have a session with a person I’ve followed since 2007. I’m curious about their mind, their outlook, their business acumen and frankly the uncompromising life they lead. It was also my birthday gift to myself.

I totally got ripped a new one.

I get on the phone. They are 18 minutes late because they forgot they’d set the appointment with me the day before, after forgetting the previous appointment we had two days before that. That’s ok, I’m flexible.

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What is Flowdreaming and how Do I Practice it?

PART 1: Awareness of Flow Energy: What Is Flow?

The technique of Flowdreaming has three components:

  1. Awareness of Flow energy
  2. Guided daydreaming
  3. Strong, directed emotion

Flowdreaming is a process that lets you reshape your world—literally. It’s not meditation, or hypnosis, or based on positive affirmations or any other kind of program you may already know.

It’s unique, and its purpose is to help you access the creative, energetic “underside” of life, so you can sculpt and direct your future.

It’s a big promise, but once you learn this technique, it will feel so simple and natural that you’ll wonder how you never knew about it before.

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30 Things I Did in 2023

Each year around this time, I’ve reflected on everything that passed through my life over the year. With each thing I remember, I feel myself shifting into gratitude, grief, or even just contentment. The gratitude is for things that have lit up my soul. The grief is for things that are still healing and need…

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My Bright Red Aura

I’m looking all over the house for a photo of me from 2009.

I’m peeling open my husband’s office cabinets and sloughing through old photo books dug from closet depths. Where is that photo?! God it was good.

It was taken at an I Can Do It event for Hay House. That was a conference that used to bring together luminaries in personal growth into one mega conference. My job at the event was to create a second stage for all the biggest faces in spirituality and record these superstars live for internet broadcast (which was still a very, very new thing in 2009).

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Willing to Marry You

“WILLING TO MARRY YOU. MUST JUMP OVER BROOMSTICK AND LISTEN TO MILD OLD-LADYISH ADVICE FROM 4TH GEN. MINDREADER. IF IT GOES WELL, YOU’RE SET FOR LIFE. IF NOT, ENJOY THE CAKE. ANY TAKERS?” Tonight I learned that one of my cousins has a half-sister. We’re a big family, so it’s possible that I wouldn’t know…

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