Here is the email that popped up in my inbox this morning.
“I have been listening to the Prosperity Challenge for awhile now. . . . And prosperity is starting to appear in my life! . . . As of late, I’m listening to tracks from Prosperity Challenge at work, on the train, in the car, during emails, multi-tasking. I know it’s not the same as participating and creating in the Flowdream, but I feel your words and am sort of assimilating them thru osmosis. And it’s GOOD. I am much more self-aware of my thoughts, projections, intentions, possibilities than ever before.
My question is: Do we need to be careful when listening and multi-tasking? If I found I’m irritated by my co-worker or get impatient with something while listening casually, are these things going into my flowdream and creating more of that outcome? I feel I can go into the flowdream a lot quicker now than in the beginning so it seems easier to put any thought and feeling into the flowdream, even when not fully engaged. What do you think? Should one be careful with that?”
Here is my answer, Dina. I’ll share it as a story.
Last week, I returned from a work-related radio taping in Massachusetts. My employees and I were in the airport, waiting for our connecting flight. Problem was, our first plane had had mechanical failure, and we’d missed it the connection, and were now on standby for the next flight out.
During the two hour wait, we drank some beers and talked. At one point, we had a really interesting conversation about CERN, the giant Hadron collider in that spans the borders of Switzerland and France. Basically, it’s a giant atom smasher that recently went offline due to mechanical problems.
I love this kind of thing. Physics fascinates me, and I became quite emotionally involved in the conversation.
Shortly after this, we all decided that we should Flowdream that the rest of our flight home would be easy, joyful, and work out just the way we wanted. We held hands in the bar and closed our eyes, and I’m sure to everyone we looked like a kooky prayer circle with me talking aloud, while having beers. (I can only imagine!)
Then the airport PA announced that we would not be flying out home that evening-we’d be stranded in Chicago. What was going on, we wondered? Were we in our flow or not?
We chose flights out the next day. I chose the earliest flight out, even though I had to make two connections en route. My other employee chose a later, direct flight.
As I sat in my airplane’s seat the next morning, I casually glanced at the passenger next to me. His work was open before him, and there it was in big government-y looking letters: CERN. You are kidding, I said to myself.
So I had to ask, and yep, you guessed it, he was a particle physicist whose work involved the giant Hadron collider. In fact, his trip directly involved active work with this collider. He even made a phone call, in Swiss or possibly German, to a colleague while he sat by me.
Now, what are the chances…millions to one, maybe? What confluence of events made me miss two planes, and shortly after, with thousands of flights and passengers to possibly schedule me on, plopped me right beside a man whose profession embodied the spirt of my very emotional conversation, which I’d had immediately prior to Flowdreaming?
I can see now what happened. While I had wanted a smooth, quick trip home, what my Flow really heard from me was the excitement of my conversation. It heard my feelings, and like I always say, emotion is the language of Flow. My words said one thing, but my feelings had said another, so my Flow rounded up a matching situation by offering me a direct experience of talking with this physicist about the Hadron collider.
Now it gets even weirder…my coworker and his wife told me the next day about what an excellent flight home they’d had! “Fantastic! We went first class!” he said.
“What do you mean,” I said, “did you get an upgrade? Did you ask?!”
Anyone who flies today knows that airlines never just bump you up to first class anymore.
“No,” he said, “the ticket just spit out that way. It was an accident. We, uh, didn’t say anything about that to the airline.”
So there you go, Dina. Your answer is Yes. Flowdreaming is powerful, and potent. If you listen passively but unemotionally, you’re going to stimulate your subconscious to be open to receive all that you generate for yourself in the Flow. But if you enter the Flow when feeling emotion, then what you broadcast will be picked up to sprout for you, like dandelion seeds in the wind finding fertile ground.
What usually happens is that people only begin to enter the Flow state so easily and quickly when it becomes habitual…this means a certain amount of practice, familiarity, and control. So making mistakes in it is rare. However, if you do enter it, and accidentally broadcast irritation or upset, like you mentioned, then cultivate the ability to release. When you become aware of whatever negative feelings you accidentally sent out, do a correcting measure by feeling those same feelings flowing away behind you, disappearing and being washed away. Then, you’ve set up or conditioned a new energetic response to irritation in your life: You’ve said, When I experience fear, worry, or irritability, it washes away from me, and never impacts my life.
Good luck with your Flowdreaming Dina! And keep me posted.