You don’t always need a “why” (or, “How to fill your well”)

I’m lying on the floor in a stranger’s house while the house’s owner plants crystals around the room, lights candles, and swishes the air with her arms.

There’re about nine of us lying like packed sardines on yoga mats in her small living room, covered in blankets. We are about to go on a shamanic meditation journey.

I have absolutely no idea what this means or even what we’re going to do next.

When my friend asked me to join her for the event, I said “sure” without thinking, and now here I am.

I’ve been smoked with burning sage, made awkward chitchat, and now we’ve settled down to business.

The leader is powerful gal, and I can tell she’s very comfortable with us as she settles in to guide the group. I decide I’m going to trust her.

Where are we going? I wonder. And, What are we even doing to get there?!

Turns out, we’re practicing a kind of meditation that encompasses rigorous, controlled breathing until we reach a euphoric state.

“Ok,” I think, “maybe I’ll just Flowdream a little while I breathe.”

I mean, it’s what I usually do during savasana (the meditation portion of  yoga class) anyway. It’s my default, go-to, feel-good practice.

And what’s more, I’m good at it, so I get to feel productive and powerful and a tiny bit self-congratulating about my expertise.

Which is probably exactly why as I start the breathing meditation, I feel a booming command: “No Flowdreaming, Summer.”

What the heck?

What ever happened to sweet little Flow??

I’ve known this question was coming for a while: “What happened to sweet loving Flow and manifesting!? Why are all your emails now about ‘going big,’ owning your power, facing fear, and on and on? Holy mackerel!

What happened to all your sweet flowy lovey stuff about ease and the Flowdreaming technique and all that?”

Hahaha! Okay, that’s a compilation of questions a few brave souls have asked.

Here’s the answer: I’ve written for YEARS about how to get into alignment.

With yourself, with your future, with your flow.

How to find your Flow, and stay in it, and play and create in it! And how the Universe really LISTENS and OFFERS itself to you, everyday. And how when you’re truly in Flow, everything you do is 100% easier and more rewarding. And I probably will write about all that again, maybe even soon.

But some big, huge issue began pestering me a while back, having EVERYTHING to do with manifesting and Flow-my manifesting, your manifesting, all of us and all our Flows. 

There’s nothing to see here, folks

Last night, I dreamed I was doing some kind of martial arts routine that ended with me doing a one-handed handstand on an ancient fallen log. Some martial arts type masters walked by, and one stopped and suggested a complicated routine for me.

I stared back, confused. “You must have mistaken me for someone who actually knows that stuff,” I tried to say. I felt unmasked, mistaken for someone more qualified.

Funny huh? On the one hand, it could be a dream about insecurity, a fear of not living up to my actual ability. Obvious conclusion, right?

Nope, wrong.

“I love me, I love me not.” Do you have self-love? Take a quiz.

Do you truly love yourself? Let’s find out. Here’s a quick test to check your levels of self-love. Keep track of your “yes’s.”
  1. I treat myself to little splurges now and then. Not splurges that get me in debt (like paying for something on my credit card that I don’t really need and won’t be able to pay off in a month) or harm my body (like having a cigarette), but I have splurges that make me feel good and and healthy ( such as a pedicure, some Flowdreaming, taking a walk in the middle of my workday, taking a nap, etc.)
  2. I take time for myself consistently at least once a week, either as my own quiet time or to enjoy something I love to do.
  3. I take care of my body and appearance with nice clothes, a good haircut, and anything that makes me feel more powerful and confident.
  4. I’m able to stop myself from unhealthy behaviors that will hurt me in the long run (overeating, smoking, drinking to excess, calling my bad ex, etc.)
  5. When I do take time for myself, or spend a little money on myself, I don’t feel any twinges of guilt or “I shouldn’t have.”
  6. I say no sometimes, and I don’t feel guilty.

What is Flow energy?: A brief explanation

This Article is part of’s free Online Learning Library.

Flowdreaming is a technique that lets you reshape your world-literally. It’s not meditation, or hypnosis, or based on positive affirmations or any other kind of program you may already know. It’s unique, and its purpose is to help you access the creative, energetic “underside” of life, so you can sculpt and direct your future.

It’s a big promise, but once you learn this technique, it will feel so simple and natural that you’ll wonder how you never knew about it before.

What Is Flow?

Flow is like a net or ocean of energy that runs over, under, around, and through everything in our Universe. It’s an energy of information, or a giant collection of data about everything that is, was, or potentially may be. And this net of energy or “information” has its own kind of internal, intrinsic awareness.

Imagine if every single thing in our universe had an inner understanding of what it was, or an awareness of its internal structure, or a consciousness of itself, on some very deep level. And all this consciousness put together-all this collected information or awareness- is what everything is actually made of. The physical things in life (apples, TVs, thoughts, wind) are just expressions of this awareness that take a physical form.

Do you have a destiny? What has God planned for you?

I receive a variation of this question about fate and destiny almost weekly. Here’s what came to my inbox this week:

Hi Summer,

I am excited to be writing to you. I just discovered Flowdreaming ten minutes ago, and I wanted to ask something. My Flow is equal to my thoughts and my emotions, and they tell the universe what I want. I understand that. I’m at a point in my life where I’m learning about Law of Attraction . . . but I do not fully grasp the difference between what God intends for you compared to what you want and gain for yourself. Could you help me please? -Lavana

Lavana, when you awaken to the idea that you are a powerful creator within your own life, this can bring up a conflict in your mind. You wonder, How can I create if some things were already pre-planned for me? You might think some events or people are there by fate, karma, or because it is God’s plan.

Abraham and the Flow

The term “the vortex” first leaped to my attention several years ago when I was interviewing Stuart Wilde during a radio show. Then it again forced itself into my awareness  last year when I was teaching at a retreat with Denise Linn, when Denise led the group into an “energy vortex” as part of an exercise. Then, last night, as I co-hosted a two-hour online seminar with Esther and Jerry Hicks, the vortex was again forcing itself to my attention.

This is the second time I’ve hosted a program with Esther and Jerry, while Esther brings forward Abraham (a non-physical group consciousness). We sit in a studio for two hours with headphones, mics, and lots of blinking radio lights while Esther answers callers’ questions. It’s a privileged position to sit only a foot away while this occurs, and watch the truly joyful interaction between Esther, Jerry, and Abraham.

I first watched Esther from a similarly close viewpoint more than twenty years ago, in the 1980s, when a small group of us gathered in a hotel courtyard to watch Esther bring forward Abraham, when Abraham was far from well-known. My mother and I came home with a dozen hand-copied cassette tapes of Abraham’s teachings.  And now, here I am again, once more learning from them, through absolutely no effort on my part to have arranged it. I’ve often wondered at the complexity and foresight of my Flow, that it has maneuvered me into such a position.

It turns out that I’m not the only one who noticed the connection between the vortex and the Flow last night. Here is an email from my inbox today: