Transformation can be messy. We want it neat and tidy. We want it cool and linear so we can see the result clearly right there in the distance.
But it’s not neat, or linear. It’s often shaky and wild. Things crumble. Things slip from your grasp. This week I found a perfect way of describing it: “I’m trying to hold up the avalanche.”
But you just can’t.
You flail, you beat your fists, you try oh-so-hard to control and force and beat things into that way you want them.
But, transformation is messy. Sometimes the mountain has to come down.
Sometimes on the other side of the mountain you find a meadow, a stream, golden fish and butterflies and safety.
And sometimes there’s only a scruffy trail that you still have to walk on a ways until you find those butterflies and that stream. But it’s there.
Transformation cleaves you in half, into pieces, and orders you to reorganize into your new shape. It whispers to you “The old shape wasn’t going to work anymore. How often do I have to explain that to you?”
Stop trying to hold back the avalanche with your little fists.
Step away and allow it come down.
P.S. For all of you in the thick of transformation, there are ropes. There is a Sherpa. I built it into ME School. It’s your new ground for exploring, for shoring up, for transforming. It’s where you’re inner power is hiding. It’s where your trust is waiting to be renewed, and healed.
The only way into ME School is through a phone call with me. I’m gentle. We just”¦.look”¦ at what you want, where you’re going, and what it’ll take to get there. Then we spend the year together standing outside the avalanche, and finding that new path through the meadow. Come join me.