ME: “How’s your business doing?”
THEM: “Great! I just did a TedX talk. Then I closed $800,000 in sales and found my soul mate. Then I met God and he sat me down for coffee and told me I was His favorite. Plus, I look super hot. And everyone loves me.”
ME: “Oh. Awesome for you.”
. . .
I go to events as part of my work where conversations like this abound. Lots of well-heeled, overly made-up and smartly dressed people get together to talk about how amazing they’re doing. And how they want to collaborate with you. And they want to know if you know so-and-so, because they know so-and-so and just left his private island (or mastermind or personal vacation home).
Yes, if I sound jealous, it’s because it’s meant to make you jealous. The whole thing is like a Facebook page in flesh: now you don’t just see photos of my awesome trips, best selfies, cutest pets and smarter kids, but I get to wave it around to you in person.
You know how you feel after your Facebook or Instagram binge?
Yeah, that’s this. Which is why my jealousy is an illusion. I’m not jealous of them the real them. I’m jealous of the pretty pieces they want me to see. And I could toss out a kaleidoscope of my own pretty pieces at them if I wanted to.
But this is an illusion. This isn’t truth. This isn’t someone sitting with their head in their hands crying that their business is failing, nobody wants them, and they’re gonna lose the house.
We never see their hot panic, their bottles of booze and cigarettes, and those moments when they’re scrolling through their Insta feed wondering if they missed the boat, if they’re too late, if they are relevant. The quiet moments when they realize they made a bad bet, fucked up, wasted money, lost momentum, lost the deal, or took the wrong turn.
That, my friends, is truth. It’s vulnerability. It can be fear and lack too, but it’s also truth. It’s owning all the bits-even the gray-black bits you wish you didn’t have.
Because, everything starts with truth. Every rebound starts with truth. Every ascension is built on truth.
Not on bragging. Not on selfies. Not trying to make it all look good. Those are as unstable as petals on water.
We think sharing truth will make us smaller, less attractive, less desired.
No, not being in your power is what makes us smaller, less attractive, less desired.
Your truth can be glorious and successful, or struggling and hard. You are still beautiful in it.
Unlike so many of these people at the party. They are ugly in their facades. They inspire me all the more to be me.
. . .
P.S. Practice being in your power with me. No selfies required. No FOMO allowed. ME School is where a reign of gods and goddesses come together to pull back the curtains and get very clear on what is meaningful. Some choose to build cash-flow, some choose to build love. Some let the Divine choose for them. But everybody grows, opens, finds truth and finds peace. Enroll now and let me guide you this year.