How to Enter a Decade
The best Flowdream for entering the decade is My Future Self.
And for those of you looking for the complete series of podcasts about Lack-thinking, they are numbered: 412, 413, 414, 415, 521, 522. Enjoy!
Complete Show Transcript
Show Intro: [00:00:21] It’s a show where we talk about the power of your mind to change your world around you, to literally affect the fabric, how we talk about this feeling of hope and joy and relief. And that is Sweat being aware of your Flow does it gives you a feeling of power again in your lives?
[00:00:45] I’m Summer McStravick and welcome to another episode of Flowdreaming.
[00:00:56] Oh, and happy New Years!
[00:01:00] I have to admit, being the futurist that I am, all the work I’ve done with future self teaching go creating and manifesting, I am still not prepared for 2020. It just something about it feels magnificent. It feels like it has a magnitude. It’s a change into a new decade. You know? I mean, we did Y2K. We did 2010 (meh). But now 2020…right!? Now we’re really getting in to the age of stars. You know, of the future of interplanetary travel. I mean. Oh oh, oh, oh it gives me shivers.
[00:01:50] So thank you guys for spending a little time with me as we clean out the old year. Welcome in the new. This is episode number “617: How to Enter a Decade.”
[00:02:03] Now, I’m mindful that only a few episodes back I told you how I am a teacher, but I’m also a seeker and I seem to be tipping a lot again between the two going back into being a seeker. So today’s episode, I’m going to give you some of my insights. Working with Flow, working with energy, reading energy, reading future past. All of the work I’ve done inside people’s minds and flows for the last several decades. I will be giving you some advice and direction based on this.
[00:02:40] I’ll also be suggesting things that I’m going to try, that I’m seeking and pushing into as we go forward into the new decade.
[00:02:53] So I know, first of all, little housekeeping. Thank you guys who are downloading this podcast. Right. I’ve been asking for the last couple of shows. I am on a pilgrimage to figure out the new i-Tunes algorithm. And I need, need your help. So if there’s one thing you can do, if you enjoy the content of value of this program at all of it as a changed you or affected you, please go to i-Tunes or Google Play right now and rate the show. Leave a note. Just tap in a few stars, whatever you feel like, and then download five more episodes.
[00:03:36] Now that you’ve got six hundred and seventeen episodes to choose from. So download any of those that make you feel good. And if you’re using my Flowdreaming app, you don’t have to download. You can just start playing them play like the first three minutes of five of them.
[00:03:53] Anything like that is going to help i-Tunes recognize, oh, this is a classic show. Let’s shuffle it around again and it’s going to take all of us to do this, to keep this show out there spreading and getting this word about Flowdreaming and emotional reconditioning and the fact that you can co-create and you can create a damn fine life for yourself if you put a little bit of emotional elbow grease in. So thank you. Thank you, guys.
[00:04:22] And yes, sometimes there’s an “ask” in this show. Sometimes I do talk about my private sessions, ME school, etc. I have made a conscious decision for years that I don’t bring other advertising into this program. I simply share with you further tools for Flowdreaming and frankly, that’s what supports the creation and making of this show for you. For the last fifteen years now.
[00:04:48] So 2020. How do you enter a decade? So to me twenty has a vibe to it, right. It’s got this feeling like it’s kind of big, it’s kind of ill-fitting perhaps. It’s also a moment I feel like corners can be turned. Things that have been going down the wrong path can be righted.
[00:05:11] There is a sense of renewal and renewed optimism, at least for me. And I’d like you to kind of reach forward in your year, reach forward empathically in your Flow. If you Flow dream, you should know how to do this. Reaching forward into your Flow seeing what may be coming up for you. What does 20:20 feel like? Doesn’t it kind of feel like, you know, you’re a little kid trying on your mom’s dress up clothes and putting the lipstick all over your face? That’s my sense. Maybe it’s different for you, but get a sense of what it means. Like what are your expectations? What are your emotional expectations as you enter the year? Because, one, it’s going to clue you into what you’re going to end up co-creating. Right. Because what you feel is what you’re gonna get.
[00:06:03] And for me, I’m feeling a big year and it’s something I have got to grow into. So there’s something in my life. Likewise, I expect I’ll be growing into something in my in my energy, in my soul self that I’ll be growing into. Like I get it. Maybe you’re opposite, though. Maybe you’re like, 2020 is nailed. Like, I’ve got this down. It’s all just about building on a foundation. Different feeling. That’s you.
[00:06:29] So that’s the very first thing that I want to suggest and or share with you guys. What is the vibe that you already have for the year ahead? And you know what? If it’s fear, right, I’m a little scared. If all the world seems a little topsy turvy. You understand that. You can choose: do I want to keep that feeling of fear, indecision, worry? Or do I want to replace it because that’s what you and I do as powerful people, right? That’s what we do in the land of Flowdreaming.
[00:07:03] So the second thing that I want to suggest for you all. I have a little list here, top five, seven, something along those lines. Second thing, once you have the vibe of the year ahead, please come and share with us at, the Facebook group, you can find it through there or just go straight to Facebook. Look for “I love Flowdreaming.” Join our group. Share what your intentions are. I will be asking all of my students in Born to Make and ME school.
[00:07:34] I’ll be asking all of my Flowdreamers who join me on my social media channels. What are you making this year? What does this here mean? Please come add to the conversation. We value your voice and your insights.
[00:07:48] Third thing now we’re getting into the meat of it. Mm hmm. So oftentimes when we are planning our future, right, we’re sketching our future self for the year, for the decade, right, we are looking at things that don’t work.
[00:08:06] Like “This year I’m going to make money” or “this year I’m finally going to find a partner.”
[00:08:11] “This year, I’m finally going to change jobs.”
[00:08:14] “This year, I’m finally going to lose my 20 pounds.”
[00:08:17] “This year, I’m….”
[00:08:18] OK. It’s all right to be aware of those things that aren’t working. And, you know, I do a lot of private work. I’ve been talking lately about the fact that I’m bringing in new private clients first time in a long time I’ve been opening those doors again. If that’s you come reach out to me, literally email me.
[00:08:42] But I work with them and say, look, I love looking for patterns in blocks. But the way we do it is that we move forward first. We push into something that feels stretchy, that feels big for you, that feels unknown because your pattern and block are going to reveal themselves right there. You don’t have to look. You’re just going to run into it. I guarantee you. Guarantee it! So don’t even bother saying, “Well, I’m going to look and see where I’m blocked or see this or that.”.
[00:09:14] Don’t. You don’t need to look backwards in this process.
[00:09:17] We only look forward. So this is the biggest chunky thing here I’m giving you. Oh, that sounds terrible, huh? Like like dog food coming back up against the big chunky. Never mind anyway.
[00:09:31] Don’t look at blocks. Look instead, focus instead right now…year ahead….on the new pieces of yourself that you want to craft.
[00:09:45] It is not about ridding yourself of the things that don’t work. That’ll happen as you stretch.
[00:09:52] Instead, your eye, your heart, your Flow is totally fixed on “What new pieces of myself do I want to craft?”
[00:10:06] Because that’s what you’re doing, your crafting them, manifesting them, co-creating them, growing into them. Name it, whatever you like. But you see some part of yourself that you say, “I want to be more like this.”.
[00:10:20] Not that there’s anything bad necessarily with where I am at now, but I want more of this. And maybe that new piece of yourself that you want to create is more financial freedom or more time freedom or I want to feel beautiful and luscious inside my body, fit, healthy, wake with energy.
[00:10:40] Maybe I’m creating a sense in me that I am never scared or depressed again. Maybe I want to eliminate pain from my heart in my life. Right. So what do I want to make? I want to make a pain free body. I want to make a person who is bright and joyful. So I’m not looking at depression. I’m not looking at pain. Those would be considered the blocks. Instead, you see what I’m doing, I’m shifting it here into what you want to be and create instead.
[00:11:10] And yes, you can use contrast to say not that this sometime that’s easy, not depressed. Instead, I want to feel like excited and go getting an unhappy. Then that is what you’re making on yourself this year. You’re creating in yourself. I will be a joyful person. I want to create a joyful personality. I’m curious to see what kind of work I can do to get there.
[00:11:32] Because every time I practice Flowdreaming, every time I do this kind of emotional reconditioning, energetic reconditioning, and by reconditioning, I mean it just like that. Right. You take something that’s kind of worn and flawed and you spruce it up. You take it to the next level. You can hear me I’m rubbing my hands together like I’m polishing a watch right now.
[00:11:55] That’s what we do with Flowdreaming. So what new pieces of yourself do you want to craft? That’s the biggie. When you’re writing out New Year’s resolutions, all of that regular stuff, I want to see something at the very top of that list. This is the new piece of myself I want to see emerge this year because it will make me happy.
[00:12:24] Because it will make me happy.
[00:12:29] I want to emerge as a great mom this year. I want to emerge as a star athlete this year. I want to emerge as someone who graduates with honors this year. I want to emerge as someone who took my work and turned things completely around and made it work for me.
[00:12:49] This year. Like, nail it, don’t go overboard, don’t pick fifteen of these things.
[00:12:55] One, I want one. One big one.
[00:12:59] All right, moving on. This is I think number what, three? No. 4.
[00:13:05] OK. So I just said don’t think about blocks and patterns, right? Bear with me, because now I’m going to reverse that. Oh, no, I’m modifying that. I said don’t focus on the your head on all the things that are wrong that need fixing.
[00:13:23] Ok. Instead, choose the pieces in you that you want to develop, grow and reveal. Now, after you have done that, then I want you to make it a goal to rid yourself of just one unhealthy block or pattern, one unhealthy way of thinking, feeling and co-creating one. This is strategic. I’m not just messing around. The reason is I want you focused on creativity and creation as opposed to destruction and lack.
[00:14:07] Most of us are thinking about what’s not working all the time. The very first thing I need you to do is shift think about what’s working and what you want to grow and become more of. After you’ve created that shift or that pivot — pivot — excuse me, then you think what is one of that whole list of things that I don’t like that I want to take care of?
[00:14:34] This is this is maybe where you’ll feel like, “Wow, Summer. Come on. What are you you’re underestimating me. Underestimating me. I need to. I need to do more than just one now.”.
[00:14:44] Because if the one that you choose is core enough inside you, you won’t need to choose more. The only way we end up with these insane to-do lists of New Year’s resolutions and things to do next year is if we’re not really reaching the core, that sort of underpins all those things.
[00:15:05] I mean, here’s an example. Let’s say your core desire is to remove any sense inside yourself that you don’t have enough time for things in your life. Right. That’s a big one because you may have written out a list of more time for the gym, more time with my children. Less time at work. More time on self-care. Right. All of these things that you want. But there’s a central commonality, which is you have a lack thought that there is simply not enough time in your life for you to be happy and content experiencing all the things that you want. And it manifests in all of these different areas. So you can really shorten this list by just saying my goal this year is to eliminate all of my lack-thinking around time.
[00:16:06] And trust me, you’re going to see it all month long, all year long. “Oh, mom, I’d come visit you. But, you know, I don’t have the time right now to get off work and fly out.” Oh, yes. “If I…if I had the time, I would get to the gym three days a week and then I would lose the 20 pounds. If I had the time, I would be exercising.”
[00:16:28] So my goal, my one single unhealthy blocking pattern that I know I have, I’ve been working on this sucker for about two to three years now.
[00:16:40] And if you listen to my old podcasts, you know that every year I pick something that I want to grow and develop in me. One year I said, I’m going to go beyond fear. Did it really damn fine job of it? The next year I say I’m going to be in balance.
[00:16:54] I did a so-so job of it because I realized pretty much a year or two afterwards that I have one thing in me that needs to go. It’s my lack-thinking catastrophe thing. Talk about it mentioned so lack thinking is different than fear. I’m on a tangent, right? I digress. Lack thinking or catastrophe thinking is when your mind immediately thinks, “What’s the worst thing that’s going to happen? What’s the worst thing that probably will happen? What do I need to get ready for?”.
[00:17:25] Let’s think about all the things that aren’t working out or aren’t going well for me or why I can’t. Right that whole messy stew of them. And I have tackled lack thinking over and over. But what happens is when you go through life, things happen to you and you kind of get to the new level of healing that lack-thinking, which is what’s happened to me? Right? I did cancer. Recovered from cancer. I’ve had some (ugh) things go on in my own personal life in the last couple of years right, that kind of inflamed the lack thinking again.
[00:18:05] And I thought, “OK, I have I’m being asked to go deeper. So, for me, this decade the core that I’m going into is: I want to see and eliminate lack thinking whenever I experience it. Whenever I experience it. So this is a really tall order, right? This is gonna be multiple times a day because for most of us, frankly, it’s multiple times a day. “Oh my God, I hope I’m not late for work.” That’s a lack-thought.
[00:18:33] How come not, “Oh, I’m going to waltz into work and it’s gonna be wonderful.” It’s just like knee jerk. So for me, that’s what I’m working on…if I reach the end of the year and say my lack-thinking is reduced by 50 percent, you know what that ends up telling my Flow and my future what I end up … you know, the philosophy of Flowdreaming: what you are is what you attract, what you are is what you align to. So if I have a lot of lack thinking going on and me—catastrophe thwacking—Flow lines up and says, “Well, here you go. You’re always right. Whatever you feel is right, so you get more lack, you get more catastrophe, you get get more lack.
[00:19:15] But if I reduce it by 50 percent. Holy schmoly, that’s my goal.
[00:19:21] Now what do you want to get rid of? Maybe yours is a little different. Maybe it’s like self-sabotage, right? Every time I start to have things work out, I immediately retract and do something over so that I can stay in that small comfortable miserable spot. I want to see every act of self-sabotage that I participate in inside myself, inside my life.
[00:19:48] I want it to just be a bright neon blinking light outside my bedroom window that I’m so annoyed with. But it won’t go away until I take it on and dismantle it.
[00:20:00] So that’s what I mean by picking one core big deep thing, ok? You don’t need more than one. You get that one biggie, it’s going to flow over into these other areas of your life and watch as those areas improve. They will improve. Will get so much better for you. Happier and healthier, more financially, secure… list goes on.
[00:20:27] All right. Number five. Oh, it’s really not a number five.
[00:20:32] Because speaking of lack cycle, I wanted you guys to know that I went through and looked at all my past episodes. Yes, all 616 of them. And I pulled out the lack cycle episodes that I’ve done through the years. As far as I know, I don’t know that anybody else teaches necessarily like this. The last cycle, as I call it. But once you get into it, you really start to get it and you’re like, oh, my God, it is a lack cycle, right? It’s around and around.
[00:21:05] And once you start seeing where it’s manifesting in your life, it’s like these little spinning whirlwinds that you just want to reach in and pluck them away. So I’m going to give you the episodes in Flowdreaming to refer to.
[00:21:19] And maybe this will be the five that you download. Perfect. Oh, I just thought of that. Here they are, the episodes. Write these down.
[00:21:27] 412, 413, 414, 415, 521, 522.
[00:21:36] And what is that? Six? Probably at least five hours, maybe more of “lack-cycle breaking training.” That didn’t make it didn’t sound right. “Lack cycle, breaking training.” So lack cycle braking training.
[00:22:00] You gotta listen to these, right? This … will be a holy grail for a lot of you who are like me, who got into manifesting because we wanted to control stuff, because we didn’t like the fact that it wasn’t working the way we wanted and we wanted to be more powerful. But, you know, if we could control more, but oh! the lack thinking.
[00:22:20] Anyway, go listen. Good tip. All right, let’s move on: number six.
[00:22:26] This year, I want you to think about sketching your future self. No, no no. Not this year: this month. Do it this month. I mean, do it all year long, but especially in the weeks ahead.
[00:22:40] This is the moment, the potent moment.
[00:23:42] [Transcription missing]
[00:26:05] And you know what? Stretches are not always about like, well, I’m going to have this enormous coaching company and I’m good and like sell millions of dollars worth of my oils. And I’m going to… It’s not like always money and work-related.
[00:26:22] A stretch could be simple, but really hard for some of us, like my stretch this year is to feel totally content 90 percent of the time. The other 10 percent I’m co-creating and I’m manifesting and that feels delicious too. But that’s when I feel hungry. Right. I need to feel a little hungry because that gives me my goals, gives me the things I want to play with in life. But the other 90 percent is total contentment. That would be a stretch for a lot of us.
[00:26:52] I mean, like raise your hand if you think you can do that or you’re already doing that. 90 percent of the time, totally content, happy and joy-filled.
[00:27:02] If you are, great. Pick another stretch. Most of us are like, “No. Yeah. My contentment is like 30 percent of the time. And I know exactly when. It’s when I’m laying in bed watching Netflix, you know, munching on cookies, petting my cat. I’m content.”
[00:27:19] So what does a stretch mean to you?
[00:27:23] And be broad and liberal in your thinking. We are not just talking about pushing yourself and business or things like that, where the coaching community today usually applies it.
[00:27:36] This stretch is maybe as simple as I start wearing bright and beautiful clothes again and letting people see my body, even though I’m not as proud of it as I was when I was, you know, 20 years younger.
[00:27:52] That’s a stretch, but it’s also you saying I’m going to reclaim ownership of myself and power in myself. Stretch. I love those kind of stretches.
[00:28:03] [Transcription missing]
[00:29:11] I usually do them in the spring, but I upped the timeline because it just kind of feels so right with like this big month, you know, coming up for us. So think about those. I’ll be sending emails if you haven’t gotten an email from me in a time. And I mean a little bit of time, like in the last four weeks, six weeks, two months probably means at one point or another you unsubscribed. And sometimes we even do that accidentally. You get really sick of when somebody is saying, “My program’s closing, I’m gonna unsubscribe you.”
[00:29:41] Unfortunately, what happens though, then is all the other good emails, the juicy ones that come out throughout the year, you don’t get those either, including when the private sessions are coming out. So if you haven’t gotten them, please re-subscribe. And if you still… hey, if you’re really serious, just email me, right. And I or someone here will get back to you about it.
[00:30:03] But I am 100 percent committed to helping any of you guys who are as serious as me make this decade profoundly fulfilling. Eliminating any lack thinking. Our decade can be profoundly fulfilling. Beautiful. Rich. Free. I mean, filled with freedom. Time. Freedom. Money. Freedom. Healthy. And even when and if things come in that you have to deal with. You can have tools in your pocket where you say, I know just how to handle this and Flow through it.
[00:30:43] So I’m gonna leave you with those thoughts, hop on over to the Flowdreaming store, get My Future Self. Think about contacting me for a private and or to become a private student of mine in 2020. I have open some slots and am hopefully possibly for you, still looking. Maybe not. They sometimes fill up rather quickly. So there you go, my darlings.
[00:31:07] Have a beautiful new year. A beautiful new January. Go get some Flowdreaming in. Make sure it’s part of your daily routine. I know I should have added that to my list, but honestly, I didn’t want to overload you. I gave you seven and I tried to give us some new ones that I didn’t think anybody else would necessarily be saying to you. All right, take care.
[00:31:34] I love you all. And why I see you in 2020.
[00:31:45] Sorry for the horn.
Show Outro [00:31:49] Hi, my dears. Would you like to work with me privately and one on one because I would like to work with you. In fact, I usually have one or two spots open for this kind of deep transformative one on one work with me. We go deep into you, your life, where you’re going, where you’ve been and what’s holding you back. We’ll spend hours together going into Flow, where I personally lead you or guide you through the experience, guide you into the next step into creating these custom crafted Flowdreams just for you. Now, if you know anything about me, you know that I’ve been doing this work for a long, long time.
[00:32:33] So I bring all of this knowledge and experience, both real world and practical in terms of going in business, building, whatever it is that you’re trying to create, deepens simmering desire in your heart. I will help you get it into the world in a much, much bigger way than it is. All it takes is you trusting yourself that you can do it. You do this together and that is going to be worth it to make this kind of inner investment in your life. Look, we’re in any decade. When is it going to happen? When is it gonna be time for you to reach out and really give your extraordinary greatness into this world? If you’re interested in becoming one of my private personal students, all you have to do is go to Flowdreaming dot com slash coaching or send me an email. Summer at Flowdreaming dot com. So if you’re ready. Really knock it out. Go big. You’ve seen what I’ve done. You want to have a similar plan of your own to follow. Then I am here for you and I’ve got your back.