Should I get a Tesla? (or “How to spot lack thinking anywhere.”)

Some of you read about my recent car fire/spontaneous combustion.

We’re driving a rental now and looking around for a model we want.

I decided that I have to at least test drive a Tesla.

And that’s what got me thinking about my ceilings again.

I mean, wow, like, a Tesla? Really?!

That’s when I really GOT that we can afford one.

My golly gosh has my life changed.

I’m a stay at home, minivan-driving mom with two kids in grade school. I work from a tiny front bedroom I converted into an office, in a 1970s suburban track home that will barely FIT a Tesla in its garage.

Do you know how to let the genie out of the bottle?

Self-Trust + Manifesting (creation)

The two together are all you need to build a happy life. It works. Period. I just proved that to myself again. When are you going to prove it to YOURself?
This is the point of Flowdreaming: to create things that sell out or expand or take you to your next level; to create relationships that make your heart sing; and to cultivate and follow your self-trust so you know that whatever you choose to do next, it’s what will bring you the feelings you’ve been yearning for all these years.

What ever happened to sweet little Flow??

I’ve known this question was coming for a while: “What happened to sweet loving Flow and manifesting!? Why are all your emails now about ‘going big,’ owning your power, facing fear, and on and on? Holy mackerel!

What happened to all your sweet flowy lovey stuff about ease and the Flowdreaming technique and all that?”

Hahaha! Okay, that’s a compilation of questions a few brave souls have asked.

Here’s the answer: I’ve written for YEARS about how to get into alignment.

With yourself, with your future, with your flow.

How to find your Flow, and stay in it, and play and create in it! And how the Universe really LISTENS and OFFERS itself to you, everyday. And how when you’re truly in Flow, everything you do is 100% easier and more rewarding. And I probably will write about all that again, maybe even soon.

But some big, huge issue began pestering me a while back, having EVERYTHING to do with manifesting and Flow-my manifesting, your manifesting, all of us and all our Flows. 

There’s nothing to see here, folks

Last night, I dreamed I was doing some kind of martial arts routine that ended with me doing a one-handed handstand on an ancient fallen log. Some martial arts type masters walked by, and one stopped and suggested a complicated routine for me.

I stared back, confused. “You must have mistaken me for someone who actually knows that stuff,” I tried to say. I felt unmasked, mistaken for someone more qualified.

Funny huh? On the one hand, it could be a dream about insecurity, a fear of not living up to my actual ability. Obvious conclusion, right?

Nope, wrong.

What to do when you face fear or frustration

I can’t even begin to tell you how much of my life in the last decade has centered around breaking down fears. One after another, chop-chop-chop. Dead trees falling.

I’ve been stumbling through the downed logs (and even getting lost), but somehow, I’ve still been getting somewhere”¦and not just anywhere”¦but to someplace wild and fantastic and fulfilling. Each month breaks new ground for me, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and even financially.

It never feels right to keep my secrets for success to myself. I want to shout them to everybody.

For instance, this last week, I’ve realized that Flow has purposely kept me on this hamster wheel of “fear breaking.” After all, whenever I break past one of my own blocks, I’m able to help someone else break past theirs. “Oh,” I said, no longer upset. “I get it.”

Fear, I’ve learned, has so many disguises. Just when I think I’ve pinned it down, it pops up in another costume. It’s like playing Whack-a-Mole.

For example, I might be helping a Flowdreaming student who’s been hemming and hawing. They’re suffering from indecision. We’re four months into our mentoring, and nothing has happened.

Your ideas: Lead … or gold?

I suffer from the “great idea” syndrome. In other words, I’m always thinking of what I think are good ideas. Then I (often) fruitlessly try to get other people to go along with them. What I’ve had to learn over the years is this: 1) not everyone will see the value in what I offer, 2) if I feel strongly about my idea, then I’m probably going to have to make headway on it myself and quit waiting for other people to help me, and 3) if it genuinely is a great idea, then my Flow will likewise scoop me up and help smooth the way for its implementation.

Let’s start with #1. For many years, I’ve been in a position where I’ve offered some excellent business ideas to someone.

What are you worth?

I feel like an egg that’s been cracked open, and all my gooey insides are running out. It has been quite a day…a week. To feel better, I did two things. First, I spent an hour on my radio show ruminating about how we create value – how we value ourselves, how money or talents are valued – and how we can confuse those two things so easily. And then I went shopping. (Yes, I really did. And I found a really great blouse.)

But I promised listeners of yesterday’s Flowdreaming show that we would continue this conversation about worth-especially self-worth. My own self-worth has been rocked pretty hard lately. And you know how things seem to happen at once?