Latest Releases & Bestsellers
Build My Dream Business - Sales
Manifest a line of customers out the door. Generate sales, interest, deals, and more. This set of Flowdreams galvanizes your energy so people see you, want you, and show up for for you offer.
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Build My Dream Business: Growth
Take your business to new heights! Whether you're starting a business or growing an existing one, these will help you move it to the next level.
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Joyful Holidays
Feel the warm fuzzy glow of the holidays. Reinforce your energy and smooth the way — don't let the stress of your work or home life tilt your energy into scarcity or depression.
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Prosperous and Confident Meditation Playlist
It's time to go big, earn your worth, and stop holding back. This deeply moving meditation playlist programs your mind and energy with feelings of abundance, permission, and confidence.
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Radiant, Unstoppable, and Ready to Receive Meditation Playlist
This set transforms three classic Flowdreams into meditations that enhance your manifesting, open you to receiving, and smooth the way for everything good in your life to flow freely in.
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One Brilliant Thing Summer of Prosperity (Live Set 2024)
Get deep into the feeling of wealth, prosperity and abundance in all forms with this LIVE Flowdream set taken from the 2024 One Brilliant Thing Summer of Prosperity. Five Flowdreams walk you thro...
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Flowdreaming (NEW! Updated & Revised Ed.) PDF Book
This beautiful downloadable book teaches you how to Flowdreaming in a few simple steps. This book is essential for anyone just starting out, because it lays the foundation for your strong, powerf...
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Wealthy Life Playlist
Be swept into the rich emotions and energy being drenched in the energy of always having enough of everything, and even more than you need! Four terrific tracks lead you deep into your manifestat...
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Unleash Gorgeous New Directions Playlist
Renew, revive and step into a perfect new direction with fresh energy to steer you into your most-right path. This set contains four Flowdreams that revitalize you and draw in opportunities for n...
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My Cup Floweth Over Meditation Playlist
Whimsical and lush, this playlist emerges you in fantasy landscapes that delight your senses and fill you with abundance, universal connection and love, and treasures throughout your life. Bounty...
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Limitless: Be Seen & Breakthrough Playlist
The ultimate playlist for being seen, getting the word out about your skills, products or services, and feeling delightfully confident. Let your light shine and let the world see who you are. Use...
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Bountiful Receiver Playlist
Be lucky, win things, and feel like everyday is your birthday! This set helps you feel as if the world is your oyster, and you are perfectly positioned to scoop up all the riches.
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Confident. (Playlist)
Confident. Yeah, you've got this. You're up for the task. Your thoughts need to be heard. Anyone who says otherwise is wrong. Confidence spills from your mouth and oozes from your pores. You have...
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Powerful Immunity & Protection Meditation Playlist
This meditation playlist for your immune system contains a powerful trio of audios designed to strengthen your mind, energy, and body to ward off illness and was designed with the coronavirus vir...
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Entrepreneur's Flowbook: Thriving, Wealthy Entrepreneur
If you want extraordinary growth, tons of sales, and support from every corner in your business, then you need to do more than just physical work—you need to set yourself up emotionally and...
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The Prosperity Challenge: A 14-Day Program for Manifesting Wealth and Abundance
The Prosperity Challenge in an intense two-week program that teaches you to manifest prosperity and reprogram your thinking about wealth. The set includes a PDF book and eight tracks that will al...
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Rich, Secure & Debt-Free Playlist
Clear away debt as you manifest the very best opportunities for creating money and freeing yourself from the past. Become rich, secure and debt-free with the help of Flow.
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The Flowdreaming Weight Loss Support System - DOWNLOADABLE BOOK & AUDIOS
The Flowdreaming Weight-loss Support System is a two-week program that helps you lose weight and feel fit and attractive again. You'll dig deep into the roots and patterns for gaining and regaini...
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No More Negativity: Feel Safety, Sunshine, and Ease Playlist
Tired of negative people and draining situations? Use this playlist to manifest peaceful, stress-free relationships and resolve all kinds of obstacles and frustrations.
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Destress & Detox Meditation Playlist
These two Flowdream Meditations are designed to help you restore and flush out toxic emotions and completely relieve you of stress. Use Emotional Detox to give yourself an emotional cleansing and...