Essential Flowdreams: Expansion Pack Playlist
Expand your core Flowdreaming library with this set of the absolute best Flowdreams in the store. Play with divine timing and incredible luck, and experience how it feels to know that everything you need and want is being attended to.
This playlist contains the following four tracks:
1. Divine Timing
You're exactly where you need to be, right now. Your Flow has already answered you with your next step. Open your eyes to it. It may not be what you're expecting. Divine Timing is a sudden, full understanding that larger forces are at play, and your request is being slotted into the "bigger picture" for your life ... and anyone else's involved. So don't sweat it.
You want your wish to work well with everything else in your life, right? Then let the pieces evolve together into the most right pattern. Divine Timing creates enormous trust and a feeling of peace ... because you know that whatever you're manifesting is being worked on, and worked out, and everything you need to reach your goal is being lined up for you. Divine Timing means you get what you need, when you need it — always. You don't have to worry how or when your desire or goal will occur. It reminds you that you are perfect exactly where you are, even if it seems otherwise.
How would this work for you, and why is it such a potent Flowdream? For example, if you're seeking a new partner in life, this Flowdream helps you know that you're both moving through whatever needs to occur for the two of you to meet in perfect divine timing. If you're wanting to change careers, this Flowdream helps you program your future so that you're in the absolute right position, at the absolute perfect time, when the most perfect job opens for you. If you're wanting to move, this Flowdream ensures that every detail that needs to take place does so in the best possible order, and the right home or apartment appears just when it should, with the old occupants moving just when they should, etc. This Flowdream creates the exact perfect chain of events in the exact perfect timing to get you to your goal.
2. Super Inner Yumminess
Super Inner Yumminess is part self-love and part crazy courage! This unique Flowdream boosts both types of feelings about yourself and broadcasts them into your Flow. You ARE a strong, courageous person. You're also adorable, lovable, and deserving. And, these characteristics are beautifully balanced inside you, so you can courageously say "no" to what you don't want just as easily as you say "yes" to what you do. What's more, you are the ONLY ONE in control of your life — and if you've given over that power to anyone else, someone who tells you what you can or can't do, or how you should or shouldn't feel — you'll discover that they have no right to do this any longer and your Flow supports you in this.
Summer created this Flowdream after realizing she was allowing her fear of hurting or disappointing others to cripple her own growth. She began working deep in herself to discover where her courage came from, and once she discovered where and how she was giving her power away to other people, she decided to purposely cultivate her own inner strength by practicing feeling it in her Flow. To stay balanced, she added other feelings she also wanted — of being happy inside herself, of being deserving of all her desires no matter what anyone else said, and of allowing herself to be vulnerable under the right circumstances. This unique Flowdream is the result. It's become one of our Top 10 Most-Loved Flowdreams.
Use this Flowdream to:
discover how courageous you can be
end other people's control over your thoughts and decisions
understand how incredibly full of love, strength, and power you really are
3. Super Lucky
Something wonderful is coming to you. Something extraordinary, that will change your life forever for the better. You'll be excitedly saying to all your friends and family, "I was SO lucky! It happened to ME! To ME! Can you believe it?!" This beautiful Flowdream takes you into the middle of this feeling, so you can charge up your Flow energy to create immense luck in your life.
Whether you want to WIN things (lottery, casinos, even your local bake contest) or if you're desiring that some wonderful event or opportunity come to you, this Flowdream can help! You'll focus on bringing in the energy of big winnings (money, cars, vacations — you name it!) as well as bringing in a cascade of good, lucky occurrences. Why stop with one? You call Lady Luck to you and the Universe happily answers as the energy of luck swirls into your life and begins generating all kinds of good things. You will LOVE the sensation you feel at the end of this mp3, when you sense that you can be and ARE a lucky person who the Universe and Flow blesses with bounty.
Use this Flowdream to:
feel lucky at the casino or lottery
generate a windfall of good things in your life
reverse feelings of being unlucky, or undeserving of the Universe's bounty
attain a super positive frame of mind and a joyful feeling through your day
cultivate a sense that many good opportunities and wonderful situations are making their way into your life
4. This Or Better: Manifest Anything
Are you unsure if what you're asking for is right or not? Now this fear is solved: Just bring your particular desire to mind, then say to your Flow: "Bring me this or BETTER." You'll get your wish if that's the BEST thing for you, and if it isn't, you'll get what's even better! Too often we get caught up in the "how and when" of our desires, and inadvertently cripple our Flow with hopes that we've crimped with our negativity or lack of faith. Now, you can fully feel what you want and radiate it into your energy field, and yet remain confident that Flow will alter it as it sees fit to give THIS OR BETTER to you.
You don't have to fear that you're asking for the wrong thing ever again. Just feel what you want, then let Flow give you that or even better. Use this Flowdream to ask your Flow for the VERY BEST outcome ... one that makes you and everyone you love so happy ... even if you have no idea what that could be, or how it could happen.
Use this Flowdream to:
- address ANY problem in your life (Flowdream is open-ended: you insert your hope/fear/problem/dream)
- ask for help and guidance to get the BEST result, whatever that may be
"Program Your Life with Flowdreaming Audios & Meditations"
Author | Summer McStravick |
Type | Audio mp3(s) |
Track Length | Track 1: Divine Timing, 18 minutes Track 2: Super Inner Yumminess, 15 minutes Track 3: Super Lucky, 12 minutes Track 4: This Or Better: Manifest Anything, 16 minutes
Product type | Downloadable Audio |
UPC CODE | 764575028295 |
GTIN | 764575028295 |