Lose Weight Now! Playlist
Mindfulness and Weight Loss
Lose 10 pounds or 50! Finally, you have a way to not just lose weight, but keep it off! The Flowdreaming Weight Loss Support System Playlist is designed to support your weight loss journey through meditation and Flow.
It will help you uncover and eradicate every bit of resistance to staying slim. In only two weeks, your body becomes your friend, not your enemy. Your body eats, exercises, and does exactly what it needs to stay fit.
Once you work through the powerful book and Flowdreams in this mindfulness and weight loss playlist, you'll finally understand why you rebounded again and again to some seemingly random set-point of weight. Stop the rebound, lose it for good, and love the process.
Willpower alone won't do it—you need your energetic-emotional matrix on board, as well. This playlist has been a critical piece of weight-loss programs around the world.
Start a Journey of Weight Loss Through Meditation
This program contains a 96-page book to walk you day by day through the process, and 10 incredible Flowdream audios (160 minutes) to psyche you up and keep you motivated. At the same time, they rework your emotional-energy body to accept loads of positive new information about itself and allow the weight to shed away. Hundreds of people have discovered that when nothing else works, this program does.
This set contains
1. Flowdreaming Weight-loss Support System (Downloadable PDF book and 7-Audios Set)
This PDF (96 pages) and audio set (114 minutes) is the core of this program and leads you through a pleasurable two-week process of losing weight. With simple daily “daydream-like” exercises, you’ll feel excited, motivated, and years lighter as you shed weight and regain your health. You’ll actually remake the “energy template” that forms your body (from the quantum state outward) as you allow a “new you” to emerge in your thoughts and feelings.
The Flowdreaming Weight-Loss Support System gives you both emotional and energetic support by allowing you to feel beautiful or handsome again just as you are, while at the same time helping your body return to the weight that fits it best. Each day, you’ll feel lighter, freer, and healthier than the day before.Past participants have seen their extra weight slide off even as their healthy appetite for life reawakens, often for the first time in years. The book is packed with testimonials, tips, and insights from people who've used the program, from around the world.
Note that this program does not contain dieting or exercise information. Instead, it combines mindfulness and your weight loss goals to take you to the source of your weight gain (your emotional energetic template) so you can totally recalibrate yourself to lose weight.
Show your body exactly how it can look and feel by combining mindfulness and weight loss. Use this Flowdream as a precise guide for your body to show it how you'd love for it to look and feel. Instead of nagging, pleading, and forcing your body to try to “get in shape,” let’s try a different, more effective approach: share your positive, Flowing feelings with your body as you describe how you want to look and feel about yourself.
Just as you can use Flow to heal internally, you can use Flow to reshape externally. In this Flowdream, you create a blueprint that's based on feelings you want to have about your body, then you unleash your cells to start moving toward that blueprint.
Use this Flowdream to:
- create positive reinforcement to lose weight while dieting or starting an exercise program
- reverse the negativity and sense of powerlessness over your appearance and weight loss through meditation
- allow new positive feelings to arise about parts of your body that you've always "hated"
- offer your body positive alternatives for how certain parts of it appear or feel
With this Flowdream, other people notice how amazing you're looking because every day is an "on" day for you now. You’ll notice everything fits, your hair is perfect, and your skin is looking supple and smooth. You feel really good about yourself!
“Beautiful As I Am” gets you into a strong, empowered place inside yourself. Radiate a sense of being desirable, attractive, and totally comfortable with yourself. You’ll experience a sense of confidence and power wherever you go, whatever you do. You have total self-acceptance and gratitude for your body.
Use this Flowdream to:
- radiate a feeling of beauty or handsomeness
- get an extra boost of confidence about your appearance
- show up strong at work, on a date, or any place where you want to feel like you’re looking your best
- let go of negative feelings about your body or appearance
- replace feelings of body shame or ugliness with total loving and self-acceptance
- feel confident and beautiful in your body again
“Action, Action!” creates tremendous energy to get things done. Lose that weight, and tackle anything in your life that's been lagging. This Flowdream is your “go-to” when you feel mightily stuck. And my goodness, how our weight feels stuck! Flow will help you—it wants to help you—but it needs your motivated, excited energy and that’s exactly why this track is included in this mindfulness and weight loss playlist.
“Action Action!” will break you out of any tendency to hang back and wait for a better time, a better month, for more clear direction, for someone else to say it’s ok—anything you habitually use a rationale for not focusing on your weight-loss and fitness.
Use this Flowdream to:
- create focus and excitement about your mindfulness and weight loss program
- get moving and motivated to drop pounds day after day
- feel filled with energy and desire to get and stay fit
- Override feelings of frustration, hopelessness, or resistance to losing weight and getting fit
DISCLAIMER: Please note that this mp3 should not be a substitute for comprehensive medical care and is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, nor is this audio intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
"Program Your Life with Flowdreaming Audios & Meditations"
Author | Summer McStravick |
Type | PDF Book + mp3(s) |
Track Length | This set includes: Book and audios: Flowdreaming Weight-loss Support System Downloadable PDF book and 7-Audios Set. 96-page PDF book and 114 minutes of audio files Track 1: My Ideal Body, 16 minutes Track 2: Beautiful As I Am, 17 minutes Track 3: Action, Action!, 13 minutes |
Product type | Downloadable Book and Audio Set |
UPC CODE | 764575028448 |
GTIN | 764575028448 |