Strong and Fearless: A Flowdream Meditation
Eliminate fear and self-sabotage. Go to sleep or meditate with a warrior mindset: strong, confident, untouchable. Let the words sink in deeply. You absorb it and believe it. It changes you. Fears often masquerades as something else: self-doubt, insecurity, aversion to risk, inability to say what you want or how you feel, indecision, confusion, or feeling stuck.
All of these are manifestations of fear that hold back your true power. Fear causes you to expect lack in your future, instead of bounty. It causes you to say, I won't get my needs met. This unique active-meditation changes this mindset and your own internal energy. Use this meditation whenever you need to tell the Universe you're ready for a real change. You're ready to stop hanging back, and find your innermost powerful self. You're ready to live a life without fear. If you listen enough, you'll discover that this self really is within you.
Imagine the relief you'll feel when you make confident decisions without fear and can both go after (and receive) what you really desire. Allow in strength and courage, now.
"Program Your Life with Flowdreaming Audios & Meditations"