What ever happened to sweet little Flow??
I’ve known this question was coming for a while: “What happened to sweet loving Flow and manifesting!? Why are all your emails now about ‘going big,’ owning your power, facing fear, and on and on? Holy mackerel!
What happened to all your sweet flowy lovey stuff about ease and the Flowdreaming technique and all that?”
Hahaha! Okay, that’s a compilation of questions a few brave souls have asked.
Here’s the answer: I’ve written for YEARS about how to get into alignment.
With yourself, with your future, with your flow.
How to find your Flow, and stay in it, and play and create in it! And how the Universe really LISTENS and OFFERS itself to you, everyday. And how when you’re truly in Flow, everything you do is 100% easier and more rewarding. And I probably will write about all that again, maybe even soon.
But some big, huge issue began pestering me a while back, having EVERYTHING to do with manifesting and Flow-my manifesting, your manifesting, all of us and all our Flows.